All too often, when a relatively young culture imports an ancient, esoteric system from another culture, they tend to accept it without question and they invariably interpret that knowledge according to their own limited understanding.

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With so much media attention, you have probably heard of Feng Shui. It is also likely that this Chinese concept is as hard for you to grasp, as it is to pronounce. Earth Design incorporates the principles of Feng Shui, natural laws, and mythology to create greater health, wealth and happiness.

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Q: Mr. Whittier asks why the entrance on most Ba Gua charts is on the Northern direction while most book she reads suggests that the entrance should preferably be facing South?

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Known for its extensive collection of garden and building architectures and other works of art (a popular name in China was the "Garden of Gardens" ), the Imperial Gardens were looted and burned by British and French troops in 1860, as a punishment for the torture and execution of those countries' peace emissaries by the Chinese Emperor.

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Human life is affected by three major influences: Heaven, Human and Earth. These three forces have been studied for thousands of years throughout Asia and natural systems have evolved that reveal their influences in daily life.

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