Lighting transforms a space. A room can feel small and cramped or it can feel warm and cozy depending on how it is lit. There are many aspects to creating good lighting, but changing the light bulbs you use is one of the simplest things you can do.

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It is no accident that "Spring Cleaning" is a practice familiar to our grandmothers that we still employ today. According to Christan Hummel, author of the Do-It-Yourself Space Clearing Kit (One Source Publications), cultures throughout history have aligned their basic activities with the rhythm of the seasons to achieve desired results.

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Our body contains energy or "qi" that is sensitive to our surroundings. The shape of our bodies, our facial features, our posture and physical appearance are clues that tell us about the energy we possess. Likewise, a building's form, structure and interior layout reflect the energies that it embodies. Feng shui is a study of the cause and effects that occur from the interaction of various people in different places.

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How your desk is oriented can directly affect how you feel at work. It can mean the difference between having an upbeat attitude or feeling like you´ve got writer´s block.

A company once had me do a study of their employees because they routinely hired vibrant, full-of life individuals, but after a few weeks at work these people appeared lethargic and unable to carry out their job with vigor and enthusiasm.

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During a series of workshops I offered in Spain several years ago, I ended up staying in over 33 different locations during a two-month period. When I came home, I really understood at a deep level the truth of Dorothy's statement in the Wizard of Oz that "there's no place like home!" Prior to that experience, I was unaware of how I had taken for granted the comfort, security, peace, and sense of well being my home provided me. It was more than just a bed, bathroom and kitchen, all of which I had in Spain, it was much more.

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Why is it people say, "Oh, I was on the road, you know hotel rooms. So I didn't sleep very well." It may be that the bed isn't like the one you have at home, but chances are there are a whole host of factors that play into whether you feel comfortable in your "home away from home" or not.

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Everyone needs a sense of support and connection in their private rooms, but this is particularly important for young minds and hearts. A child's room should support him or her both within the context of the family and as an individual. Here are several simple tips you may want to keep in mind.

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