Questions about our Shipping Charges?
Shipping charges continue to increase for both Domestic and International orders. It can be complex as shipping companies change rules for weight, box dimensions, region, etc. We always attempt to ship the most economical and reliable method based on the contents of the order and the destination.
Domestic shipping:
Most of the time, the shipping estimate that is calculated by our system is accurate. Occasionally, there are bulky or heavy items that exceed our estimates or an item that we can send for less (see back issues below). If the charge is higher than displayed, you can expect an email or phone call to get your approval before you are charged.
International shipping:
When we first started publishing our journal, International shipping via USPS was reasonable, but then they removed the option to ship via ground (boat) and everything increased to air fare rates. We realize that sometimes international shipping can surprisingly expensive based on the weight or size of an item and the country, so you will receive an email from us with our cost of shipping before processing your order and charging you.
Why do I see a notice about back issues?
The shipping estimate for back issues of our journal is incorrect if those are the only items in your cart. Shipping is (currently) $2.75 for the first back issue and 1.00 for each additional back issue. This shipping charge error will be corrected before processing your credit card. This is a current limitation of our store software. If you have other items in your cart, like a book or DVD, the back issues can be bundled in the same shipment and then our estimate is usually accurate.
Multiple items in my order:
Our shipping estimate on a domestic order with a single item includes our handling fee (box, labor, pickup fees, etc.) plus our delivery cost. Additional items only include the increase in postage, so adding multiple items to an order is the most economical.