Vol. 32, No. 4: Winter 2022-2023
Features in the Winter 2022-2023 issue include "Taiji Neigong Practice Form to Cultivate Qi" by Jesse Tsao, PhD; "Practicing Both Taiji and Qigong? Similarities, Differences & Benefits" by Michael DeMarco, M.A.; "Internal Play for Internal Power" by Sigung Richard Clear; and "Commonly Used Chinese Herb Formulas for The Treatment of Mental Disorders" by Dr. Heiner Fruehauf.
Departments include "Qigong for the Uniquely Abled" by Kenneth Cohen; "The Secret of Standing Meditation" by Dr. David Clippinger; "A Daoist Qigong Jam Session" by John Voigt; and "Music and T'ai Chi Form" by William Phillips; "The Chinese Pipa (Lute)" by Steven Luo; and our usual news and tidbits.