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Vol. 10, No. 2: Summer 2000

Vol. 10, No. 2: Summer 2000

SKU: J102

Summer 2000, 64 pages. Features: Acupuncture: Ancient Medicine for a New Millennium by Rebecca A. Wilkowski; Is Qigong Political? A New Look at Falun Gong by Kenneth Cohen, MA; Taijiquan: The Flowering Spiral by Charles Wong and Alan Sims; The Art and Skill of the Heart by Sean Fannin. Departments: Universal Earth Design: The Roots of Our Nature (feng shui) by Jami Lin; American History of the Ginseng Plant (reprint); World T'ai Chi & Qigong Day Reports by Bill Douglas; Origins and History of the Shaolin by Luo Shirwen; Qigong & Taijiquan in Beijing by Robert Swarts.