Vol. 9, No. 4: Winter 1999-2000
Winter 1999-2000, 64 pages. Features: Qigong Counterparts from the Mother Culture by Damari Jarboux, RN; Embodying Tai Chi Chuan: The Universe in Miniature by Wasentha Young; Korea and the Historical Foundations of Ki by Scott Shaw, Ph.D.; Mastering the Flow: Applying the Three Treasures to Personal Finance by Juan W. Rivera; Self-Massage: Dao Yin for Longevity by Bob Flaws. Departments: The Home Office (feng shui) by Jenny T. Liu; Watsu Warm Water Massage by Kathleen Christ, NCMT; Meditation Retreat at Wat Lam Peong by Gary Ilines; Interview with a Daoist Priest by Charyl L. Malone; What is Qi? by Gaofei Jan, Jude Smallwood and Joel Stein.