2014 Qi Journal bundle
Year 2014. Each issue is 64 pages plus cover. The Journal (aka Qi Journal), has been published since 1991. Qi Journal has "real"articles on the topic of Qi, written by those who are currently teaching and practicing the disciplines and who are willing to share their experiences for the advancement of others. All articles are peer-written, making this journal a wonderful adjunct to classical texts and study guides... sometimes contradictory... sometimes controversial... but always educational.
Spring 2014. Features: "Clinical Talismans Used to Enhance a Patient's Healing" by Jerry Alan Johnson, Ph.D; "External Qi for Healing" by John Voigt; "Tai Chi Cudgel Brings Healing Qi to Wounded Warriors" by Barbara Penn, MS; "Medical Qigong and Emotions: by Dr. David Twicken, DOM, L.Ac.
Summer 2014. Features: "General Introduction to T'ai Chi Ch'uan"; "Introduction to Canine Acupressure: Dogs & Us"; "Medicated Syrups & The Nourishing Life Tradition" ; "Animal Spirits Within The 8 Silk Brocade".
Autumn 2014. Features: "The Making of a Hermitage"; "Qigong: East Meets West with Meridians and Muscle Fascia" "Stepping Like a Cat" ; "Hui Yuan & The Transformation of Buddhism in China (part 1)".
Winter 2014-2015. Features: "Zhan Zhuang Breathing Methods"; "A Roadmap for the Beginning Taiji Student"; "Classical Taiji Sword"; "Hui Yuan & The Transformation of Buddhism in China (part 2)".